Miles scheduled a last minute bond workshop for Tuesday at 4 pm. The deadline to sign up to speak is today at noon. 
Also today, can you pass out ice and MRE's in North Forest (77016) at 1 pm? 

[en español clic aquí]

Miles scheduled a last minute bond workshop for Tuesday at 4 pm. The deadline to sign up to speak is today at noon. 

Click here to use the online method to register to speak. Click here for step by step instructions to register to speak. You can also email this form to [email protected]. Under agenda item, choose bond. For help signing up, email [email protected] with your phone number.

Miles is a snake oil salesman and cannot be trusted with a $4.4 Billion bond. Miles has wasted our taxpayer dollars all year by significantly increasing the number of people making over $200K and on othe wasteful spending like extravagant $2000 executive chairs and spin bikes sitting unused in their boxes.

Mutual aid: Can you volunteer today to help Fred Woods finish distributing ice, water and MRE/s at 11211 Spottswood Dr. 77016 in North Forest? Volunteers should show up at noon if possible.

Thank you to everyone from CVPE who helped distribute ice and food there yesterday. Here are other sites passing out ice and MRE/s today. As with so much, communities hit hardest by Miles’ harmful policies are also hit hardest by this storm. Volunteer today at noon to do your part for equity and access.

Do you have a yard sign?  Order the orange “Go Away Miles” yard sign at



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