When June 25, 2022 at 8:30am 6 hrs 15 mins
Where Resurrection Metropolitan Church 2025 W 11th, Houston, TX 77008, United States
Contact Maria Benzon [email protected] 832-384-5119


or click here for details about the forum (Haz clic para los detalles de la conferenica.

Portions of this conference will be livestreamed here, on the HoustonCVPE twitter and on FB.

Select your tickets
Purchase after June 21st (Compra después del 21 de junio)
Purchase by June 20th (Compra antes del 20 de junio)
Your purchase will be used to provide a ticket for someone in need or to help underwrite the conference.
Purchase a T-shirt from CVPE (Compre una camiseta de CVPE)
Purchase if you are in financial need (Precio si usted está en necesidad financiera)
student ticket price (Precio del boleto de estudiante)