This week students across HISD are taking long benchmark tests to gauge their readiness for actual TAKS and STAAR testing in April and May. Here are some reflections from high school students after four hours of English benchmark testing.

This week students across HISD are taking long benchmark tests to gauge their readiness for actual TAKS and STAAR testing in April and May. Here are some reflections from high school students after four hours of English benchmark testing.

  • Dumb, long test that took forever.
  • Energy draining. Unwanted company. Stressful foe.
  • Hate this. Doesn't help at all.
  • I hate this. It's really long.
  • Ridiculously long, difficult, tiring, and stressful.
  • Ridiculously long, and very nerve-wrecking.
  • It was really hard and difficult.
  • Hard. Long. Difficult. Tiring. Boring. Thinking.
  • Long. Stressful. Boring and tiring reading.
  • Focused. Long. Nervous. Thinking. Tiring. Stressful.
  • Stressful. Confusing. Extremely long. Boring. Weird.
  • Long lasting hours of boredom. Stressful.
  • Not necessary. Stressful, depressing, and TIRING.
  • Unfair. Long. Boring. Hard. Horrible. Dreadful.
  • Very long. Time consuming. Stressful work.
  • Long, boring test that stresses me.
  • Too hard to test my knowledge.
  • It doesn't get us into college!
  • It's not helping me in life.
  • Tiring. Long. Questionable. Different. Unsuccessful.
  • Stressful, long, but proves my knowledge.
  • Stressful test that makes me sleep.
  • Really not helping me in life.
  • It's not getting me a scholarship!
  • Really long. Thinking harder. Losing energy.
  • It's boring and doesn't help me.
  • Long, but helps me focus more.
  • That test was too long!
  • It is frustrating and really unimportant.
  • Long, boring, and waste of time.
  • BORING. Longest test of my life!
  • The greatest obstacle yet to face.
  • Too long, confusing, frustrating and challenging.
  • It is so long and hard.
  • Benchmarks are really difficult for me.
  • So long, and not enough time.
  • Nerve-wrecking, hard, stupid, boring test.
  • An extremely long, trying benchmark.
  • The long benchmark was very tiring.
  • The test is long and tough.
  • The benchmark is cannibals chasing me.
  • Waste of time and very unhelpful.
  • Way too long and not helpful.
  • Extremely long and not really interesting.
  • Too long, not worth the time.
  • Stressful, long, boring, extremely not useful.
  • Long, boring, tiring, waste of time.
  • Makes my grades low, not useful.
  • That test was long and difficult.
  • Way too long, stupid, and unfair.
  • So long, but helpful on grades.
  • It was so horrible to me.
  • Makes no sense in taking it.
  • Interesting way to challenge my skills.
  • Extremely boring and definitely not helpful.


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