[En español]

CVPE Campaigns for 2024-2025


  • End the harmful $4.4 Billion Bond [We beat it!]
  • Oppose the harmful state takeover of Houston ISD 
  • Return wraparound program to schools that was gutted by Mike Miles
  • Support teacher and support staff raises so that teachers are fairly paid and their input valued and so that children have teachers who are skilled and who know them in their schools
  • Support smaller class size to promote personalization and improved learning.

State Legislature

  • Repeal of Takeover Bills 
  • Oppose vouchers 
  • Support enrollment-based funding vs attendance-based funding
  • Charters drain dollars from our public schools and they get more money than our public schools and that means fewer resources for children who choose to attend their local public school. In most cases, they do not provide higher performance or innovation and supported by billionaires who want to privatize public education.

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Read about Past Issues (2011-2023) here