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Ad Hoc Committee Hearing: Share your testimony about the State Takeover
On Tuesday July 30th, Texas State Representatives from Houston, Dallas, and Austin will host an ad-hoc hearing on the state takeover at the Hilton University of Houston from 5-7 pm, preceded by a 4 pm press conference. Free parking in the Hilton garage.
Share your testimony on the devastating impact of the state takeover. Despite the Republican chair of the state public education committee refusing to schedule an interim hearing in Austin on public education or the takeover, state representatives from across Texas are gathering to hear from parents, teachers, and students.
We stand united in demanding the repeal of discriminatory state takeover laws, full funding for our public schools, and rejecting vouchers.
En el martes 30 de Julio, los representantes del Estado de Texas de Houston, Dallas y Austin celebrarán una audiencia ad hoc sobre la toma de control estatal en la Universidad Hilton de Houston de 5 a7pm. precedida por una conferencia de prensa de las 16 horas. Estacionamiento gratuito en el garaje Hilton.
Comparta su testimonio sobre el impacto devastador de la toma de control. A pesar de que el presidente republicano del comité estatal de educación pública se niega a programar una audiencia provisional en Austin sobre educación pública o la toma de control, representantes estatales de todo Texas se reúnen para escuchar de padres, maestros y estudiantes.
Estamos unidos en exigir la derogación de las leyes discriminatorias de tomas de control estatal, la financiación total de nuestras escuelas públicas y el rechazo de los comprobantes/ cupones.
Please RSVP: Ad Hoc Committee Hearing: Share your testimony about the State Takeover
Ad Hoc Committee Hearing: Share your testimony about the State Takeover