On Thursday night, mothers, teachers, and others calmly shared their well-reasoned concerns about the takeover. Only when the board started their voting to suspend HISD board policy did the crowd object loudly. Watch the board meeting here.
Can we count on you to come to the HISD “Board Meetings on June 15th and June 22nd to witness the dismantling of our democracy, the harmful plans for 28 schools, mostly in the Kashmere, Fifth Ward and North Forest feeder patterns, and the destruction of HISD.
For more info, RSVP at houstoncvpe.org/events.
Miles’ vision is prison for poor kids. “"Every classroom has a webcam & a Zoom link and it’s on 24/7," he said. "If a kid is disruptive, we pull that student out of class… and they Zoom right back into the class they get pulled from.”
Had the public been as quiet as church mice, there would have been nothing to listen to anyway except for rubber stamping. Everything was negotiated in advance.
Even the Houston Chronicle editorial board gave Miles and the board of managers an F for their first public meeting. The BOM voted on a contract for F. Mike Miles without any public discussion at all. The BOM voted to suspend the rules regarding public meetings with no details posted in the agenda or shared at the meeting.
Mike Miles holds the public in such contempt that he did not even bother to show up until the last couple of minutes of the meeting. “Where’s Mike” seems even more apt now than before.
It appears that the Texas Education Agency choreographed everything ahead of time. On paper, the board of managers holds all of the duties and responsibilities of an elected board of trustees, but here’s the catch. The BOM can be replaced for any reason–at any time –by the TEA Commissioner.
Nonetheless, if the BOM is going to pretend to be a board, they can, at the very least, comply with the Open Meetings Act. Audrey Momanaee sat in the president’s seat at the beginning of the meeting long before the “vote” to make her president. The BOM photos on the HISD website were ordered by officer role ahead of the “vote.”
The BOM met in secret, outside of the rule of law to decide everything ahead of the public meeting without regard for the Open Meetings Act and with no executive session posted.
See you this Thursday and next. Sign up to speak by Wed at noon and fill the room. RSVP for more info at houstoncvpe.org/events.
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