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F Mike Miles is knee deep in fraudulent practices. That is why NAACP Houston, community and elected officials condemned the HISD bond, calling for a federal investigation.

What can you do to fight for public education in the fourth largest city in the country? 

Can you host a house meeting “teach-in” or blockwalk to educate your neighbors? Can you host a protest outside your school? Many Houstonians still no nothing about the takeover and its harmful consequences on our schoolchildren, teachers and schools. 

Can you fill out this takeover reporting tool to document violations of the law? Someone will reach out to you to get more detailed information in June.

Make a mighty noise. Our schoolchildren can’t wait.

  • Attend one of five community meetings to share your antipathy for this fake bond committee. The first one is tonight at Cornelius Elementary School at 6 pm. Most of the community advisory committee members are apologists for the failed takeover or F Mike Miles.
  • Watch “Takeover” at 7 pm streaming on KPRC or at the Deluxe Theater in person. If it turns out to be a Miles propaganda piece, express your indignation. 
  • Fri, May 31st Parent protest at Pugh Elementary School, 7:30 am-9 am. This will be the thirteenth school protest in the last fifteen days.
  • Protest on Friday, 5/31, at 7 pm outside the HISD Teacher of the Year Banquet at Hilton Americas- Downtown. In an ironic twist, the librarian of the year is from Crockett, a school scheduled to lose its library and librarian to NES in the fall. 
  • Sunday, June 2nd at 4 pm Blockwalk for public education
  • Saturday, June 8th. CVPE General Meeting at Trinity Gardens Church of Christ, 12:30 -2:30pm with informative micro sessions and breakouts.
  • Thursday, June 13th at 5 pm. Speak at the last HISD board of managers meeting. Bring your whole family to engage in our First Amendment right to protest.

Saturday, July 13th. CVPE Summer Conference: Uncloaking Inequity. 8:30-3:30 pm. Tickets are $20 on a sliding scale. Our keynote speaker is Julian Vasquez Heilig, national civil rights advocate and public education policy scholar. 

You can buy your ticket to the summer conference, donate a ticket, or help underwrite the event at houstoncvpe.org/forum2024.

Your donation will also support stipends for three brilliant college fellows who will be completing internships with Community Voices for Public Education this summer. 

Buy your Summer Forum ticket
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Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System