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School should foster a love of learning, reading full books, and provide authentic instruction that inspires students. Even for those who prioritize workforce readiness, like the GHP, this is essential. Test prep, on the other hand, only trains students to be professional test-takers, not well-rounded individuals.
Miles is shutting down schools next week for the middle of the year MAP test.
Can you opt out of the middle of the year (MOY) MAP assessment? You are legally allowed to do so and you can find a sample opt out letter here. The MAP assessment is not the elixir of life that Miles thinks. Read these articles on its issues. The MAP Test – Selling Schools Unnecessary Junk at Student Expense and MAP Testing: Monotonous, Aggravating and Pointless.
Education researcher Daniel Koretz notes, “We have roughly 35 years of studies showing that high-stakes testing has had profound effects on K-12 education, many of them undesirable.” High-stakes testing has led to a de-emphasis on non-tested subjects, narrowing instructional time to focus on test scores.
For parents worried about opting out harming teachers, it’s important to recognize that Miles’ policies already have a more punitive effect on educators. One parent shared that teachers privately support her decision to opt out, as STAAR and MAP scores are used as a weapon against teachers and students. Another child was so concerned about missing MAP test prep that he begged his mother to reschedule a doctor’s appointment. Test prep now extends beyond STAAR prep to MAP prep, narrowing the curriculum further.
A good teacher reviews before a test, helping students study and learn good habits. High-stakes testing, however, is less about accountability and more about dismantling public education. While the national frenzy for high-stakes testing has lessened, Texas remains one of only seven states requiring standardized tests for graduation. Superintendent Miles takes this to an extreme, shutting down schools for MAP and STAAR tests.
Deny Miles the data that harms teachers and schools. Parents and teachers working together can reclaim our schools.
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