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Let’s talk about what we’re  fighting for! Then make plans to come to the HISD Picket on Friday! We are fighting for-

A world where children in every neighborhood learn in welcoming spaces with reasonable class size 

A world in which the conditions in which children live are addressed as impacting the conditions in which children learn; so that we ensure such basic human rights as family-sustaining wages, reasonable housing, clean drinking water, and accessible grocery stores for every family.

A world in which our schools are fully and equitably funded; a world in which teachers are respected and fairly paid with their input valued; and a world where we END the over-reliance on standardized testing that is so unfairly used to shame our children, narrow the curriculum,  fire our teachers and take over our school districts.

That is what we are fighting for! Every time you stand up to oppose this hostile takeover. That is what we are fighting FOR!

Join HISD teachers at a peaceful Practice Picket on Friday, 10/20, 4400 W 18th.Optional RSVP here. The actual picket won’t start until 5:00pm so if you just getting off work, you can make it! Don't worry. There will be lots of people and you can always wear a floppy hat!

In the news:

Houston Chronicle op-ed: Former HISD principal: Superintendent Mike Miles has created a 'culture of fear.’ Read the Houston Chronicle op-ed at this open link.. 

The state's overhaul of Houston schools is preceded by a long history of racism and neglect of Latino and Black children and a still-inequitable public school funding system. Read at NBC News here



Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System