End Punitive Use of Standardized Testing

  • End the use of standardized testing for graduation. Graduation should be based on attendance and passing classes only as is true in 39 other states. 
  • Abolish HB 4545. No more year-round test prep.
  • Stop using STAAR to rank schools (A-F ratings). Measure what matters.
  • No schools or students should be rated in 2023, the first year of the new STAAR 2.0. 
  • Test how you learn best, either the paper or online STAAR.
  • Limit standardized testing to only what is required by federal law

Fully and equitably fund schools

  • Link state’s basic allotment to inflation instead of legislative mandates. We must  increase the state’s overall investment in our public school students and in public education programs
  • Fund students based on enrollment not attendance. 
  • Fully fund all day pre-K.
  • Support a teacher pay raise.

Vouchers, charters and takeovers

  • Public dollars for public schools. Oppose vouchers that use taxpayer dollars to subsidize private schools and vendors. 
  • Support a two year moratorium on charter expansion because of lack of accountability and transparency.
  • Oppose state takeovers. They worsen student outcomes and experiences.

 Equity and Inclusion in Schools 

  • Teach the Truth: Support the teaching of full, truthful history to students.
  • Oppose censorship of books in schools. 
  • End discriminatory practices that target, LGBTQia, students of color, and other students. 
  • Support students’ right to wear clothes and hair styles that affirm their cultural and gender.

Re-imagining School Safety

  • Support sensible gun safety in schools such as raising the minimum age to purchase assault weapons.
  • Oppose militarizing school campuses. Armed police do not prevent school shootings.
  • Support policies reducing disproportionate discipline/ arrests of students of color and Special Education student.