The active shooter hoax at Heights High School was not an isolated incident that day. Now is the time to demand more sensible gun laws in Texas. At a March for Our Lives Rally in late August, Uvalde parents stated the need for more sensible and stricter gun laws and called for a special session to do it. 

[En español]

Governor Abbott has refused to call a special session to enact more sensible gun safety. “Abbott has argued that mental health is at the core of America's gun violence epidemic, not firearms themselves. Uvalde Parent, Ana Rodriguez says mental health is part of the problem but that refusing to acknowledge that guns play a part as well is ridiculous.”

We need to remain vigilant against threats to schools and also in how safety is carried out. Let’s remember what Benjamin Franklin said about the harmful impact to our democracy of  “those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety.”

Uncertainty like this should never become this familiar. Let’s turn to each other so we know that we are not alone.



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