[en español aqui]

In HISD Superintendent Mile’s “brave new world,” affluent kids get libraries and librarians. But children who live in some of Houston’s most under-resourced neighborhoods get test prep worksheets, and their libraries converted to zoom discipline removal rooms. How is that equitable?

Read the full story in the Houston Chronicle at "HISD's Miles will convert some libraries into discipline areas, eliminate librarians" or here if you do not have subscription access.

RSVP for the CVPE Takeover Teach-In this Saturday at noon at Trinity Gardens Church of Christ. Bring a potluck item. Spanish translation provided.

Stand up for public education at one of Miles’ four remaining “community” meetings. The next one is on Thursday, July 27 at 6 pm. RSVP at houstoncvpe.org.




Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System