Join us for Lunch & Letters: Urging GHP to Oppose the Bad Bond and Save Our Schools on Tuesday, 10/1 at noon. Use your lunch break to help deliver letters written by Houston students, parents, and teachers to the Greater Houston Partnership president or board members. These letters call on GHP to stand against the harmful bond that threatens our public schools.
Meet us in the parking lot across from the Greater Houston Partnership, 701 Avenida de las Americas. This is right next door to the George R Brown Convention Center. Note: There is an Astros game at 1:30 pm so carpool or ride the METRO if you can.
There’s still time to write your letter! You can send one today personalizing this [SAMPLE] or bring your handwritten letters with you on Tuesday. If you can't make it, drop off your letter at 619 East 11 1/2 St. and pick up a yard sign.
While we normally stand all behind public education bonds, we cannot support this one. It's a bad bond, crafted with bad intentions, and it will harm our schools.
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