Ride the bus with AFT to Austin on Monday, March 13, to lobby for public education. The deadline to register is Feb 27. Register for a spot on the bus here.
Houston Federation of Teachers and the Texas AFT invites all educators, parents and community members to join us in Austin on the first Monday of spring break, March 13, for the 2017 Texas AFT Lobby Day. It is our turn to educate the Legislature about our priorities, and tell them to do what’s right.
AFT will provide free round-trip transportation, and all participants will receive a legislative orientation and lunch on the Capitol grounds. Thousands of public school employees will be mobilized for this event to rally for our public schools.
You do not have to be a member of AFT to participate. Register here.
- Event details, including finalized schedule, will be sent via email to the contact email provided above.
- Monday, March 13 is an all-day event. Estimated leave time is 6:30 a.m., with a return by 6:00 p.m.
- Each participant may bring one guest/child. All guests/children must be registered separately. Children are recommended to be at least 5-years or older to attend. There is no child care service provided at this event.
- A deposit of $25 will be made out to the local to reserve your seat. Monies shall be returned upon your arrival to Lobby Day.
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