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Here's some of the reasons why we can't trust HISD with the biggest bond in Texas history from Chron op-ed yesterday. [gift link].

How Will You Help Protect Our Kids from Mike Miles and His Controversial Bond?

  • Saturday (8/24) CVPE HISD Bond meeting. 2-4 pm at Covenant Church, 4949 Caroline. Bond discussion followed by action breakout groups. 
  • Sunday (8/25) Houston Stitching Together. Meet at noon at Class Bookstore in Third Ward. Make new friends. Fight the bond.
  • Sunday (8/25) CVPE East End Blockwalk: Vote No on HISD Bonds. Stand up for public ed. Meet us at 4 pm at 900 N. Wayside 77011. No experience is required.
RSVP here.

HISD is the only school district in the entire state to release A-F ratings and they are based on an algorithm Miles refuses to even disclose. Read teacher Brad Wray's take on HISD's contrived ratings. “It’s time to stop taking Miles’ and Moraths’ word as gospel and start pressuring them to answer the tough questions and face consequences for their failings.”  

Sign the vote no on bond petition at change.org/notrustnobond



Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System