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In this newsletter: Parent protests today | teachers, principals and custodians forced to resign | upcoming events

This morning parents at Crocket Elementary, Browning Elementary, and Meyerland Middle protested the removal of their highly respected principals, teachers and custodians.

400 Meyerland parents protested with strongly worded signs to condemn the “resign or terminate” ultimatum given to their principal by appointed Superintendent Mike Miles.

At Crockett, 68% percent of students were absent today, as parents kept their children home to protest the sudden dismissal of their principal. At Crockett and Browning Elementary Schools, about 200 and 50 parents respectively protested in front of the schools for the same reason. Their principals and teachers are held in high regard by parents, teachers, and community as well.

On Friday, dozens of teachers and principals were asked to resign or face termination. That is 40% principal turnover in 11 months with HISD Miles. 117 principals at 106 schools.

On Friday, Mike Miles told Houston ISD custodians they are terminated effective June 28. They can re-apply for an hourly position with no benefits, no sick leave, and no vacation. Dishonorable and unconscionable

In just the last two weeks alone, more than three hundred HFT teachers have been told to either resign or face termination. Miles is using his fakakta spot observations to arbitrarily fire whomever he wants. Miles and Abbott want to get rid of veteran teachers of the year who work hard to serve children.

Miles wants an unskilled, untrained, and cheap teacher workforce he can control and fire at will. Shame on him and the board of managers.

Miles is chasing off people like the highly skilled Advanced Placement Calculus teacher who has spent hundreds of hours helping kids get into college. Last week, he was told in front of his own students that he was going to be “nonrenewed” because he missed too many days.

Yesterday, on Mother’s Day, seven more teachers received a notice that they were facing termination on one campus alone. The common theme? They are all certified teachers who believe deeply in helping children and sometimes do not put on the dog and pony show expected of them when it is not good for kids.

Stop the bloodbath.

Here’s what you can do this week. RSVP: houstoncvpe.org/events

RSVP for events here
Ruth Kravetz


teacher, parent, progressive, committed to public education equity and adequacy