Recently, Miles told the media that he expected more pushback given the size of the district. Guess he is saying, "go big or go home."
We take on his challenge.
We will fight for public education at the ballot box (congratulations to our endorsed candidates Lauren Simmons and Molly Cook). We will fight in our communities. We will fight Miles in the courts. Let's tell the Greater Houston Partnership (GHP) business elites that this takeover is bad for kids AND bad for business. Last Friday, thousands of students walked out to protest the harmful takeover. On Thursday, hundreds of teachers participated in a teacher sickout. Parents protested this month at more than twelve schools including Browning, Crockett, Meyerland PVA, Neff, West Briar, School at St George, Kelso, Herod, Hamilton, Briargrove at City Hall, Braeburn, and Codwell. On Saturday, more than 800 people protested the harmful state takeover of Houston ISD at City Hall. Together we are stronger. |
No school “fix” includes closing libraries, removing wraparound services, firing most of the teachers and principals or non-stop testing. What Miles is doing is wrong at any school but worst in underresourced communities where it feels like the same sh*t, different day.” Miles has no shame. The librarian of the year is from Crockett, but there will be no library or librarian at Crockett next year. Miles is forcing 45 more schools including Crockett to become NES next year. Can you join Crockett parents on Friday at 7 pm outside the HISD Teacher of the Year Banquet at Hilton Americas Downtown to celebrate teachers and librarians? Bring signs and flowers to honor teachers and librarians. |
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