Oppose the occupation. This takeover will worsen inequalities. In the aftermath of the pandemic, it looks like the novice board of managers will focus even more on STAAR than ever before.

Oppose the occupation. This takeover will worsen inequalities. 

4:30 pm: Protest June 8th
5:00 pm: 1st sham board meeting June 8th

RSVP at houstoncvpe.org/events

There is more bad news at the state level. The state budget (HB 1) just released, includes no basic allotment increase for public education and $0 for school employee raises. With a $33 billion budget surplus, this is unacceptable. Click here to act.

Here in Houston, six days before the takeover, we still do not know who the superintendent or the Board of Managers (BOM) are, just that 227 people completed the indoctrination 18 hour training in late April. “All of those people  remained under active consideration for placement on the board as of Tuesday, said Jake Kobersky, the state agency's media relations director.”

Do the governor and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) really think we believe that? “Recordings shared with the Chronicle by someone who attended the training indicate that the agency has already narrowed the candidate pool as the takeover nears.” 

By keeping the public in the dark as long as possible, the unelected and appointed board of managers (BOM) can avoid the Open Meetings Act. This makes it possible for the BOM to meet in secret this month to rubberstamp whatever Morath and the new superintendent tell them. 

Even more concerning is that this new BOM is being trained by AJ Crabill whose checkered past you can read more about from Seattle parents here. Apparently, he is shilling Lone Star Governance, which focuses almost exclusively on student outcomes (sounds nice but means STAAR, STAAR, and more STAAR) all over the country.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, it looks like the novice board of managers will focus even more on STAAR than ever before. That is another reason why we must work together to fight the takeover, hasten their departure and lessen the negative impact. 

Click here to RSVP for the protest. Over 5000 parents and teachers have signed the petition. Can you ask two friends to add their name at houstoncvpe.org?



Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System