CVPE will continue its Get-Out-the-Vote drive Saturday, October 10. We will meet at 9am to block-walk/phone bank for several of our endorsed candidates and wrap up by 12 noon. Meet at Harris County AFL-CIO Central Labor Council
2506 Sutherland St.
Houston, Texas 77023
Located off Telephone Road, west of I-45 southeast of the University of Houston – Main Campus. Here is a map.
We and our friends at the Houston Federation of Teachers will provide maps, addresses of voters we’re targeting, scripts, water, and training. Look for people wearing blue CVPE t-shirts – and wear your own! (or bring $10 to buy one).
We plan to block-walk/phone bank at the same time and location on Saturday, October 24.
Can we count on you to help us install a new board in November, one that actually shares our agenda for public schools and Houston’s children?
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