HISD has scheduled December's monthly board meeting for Tuesday, Dec. 10—a rare move.The agenda drops tomorrow, and we need you to speak or attend! Arrive early (4:30-5:00 pm) to join us in singing “enhanced holiday carols for change” in the lobby.
One key agenda item: selling 18 properties as surplus and changing board policy to allow proceeds to go into the general fund instead of the Capital Renovations Fund (CRF). The current policy, CDB Local, states: “Proceeds from the sale of property shall be deposited in the Capital Renovations Fund (CRF).” The proposed change would give the superintendent authority to decide whether funds go to the CRF or the general fund.
Selling properties to fund recurring expenses in Mike Miles' bloated bureaucracy is financially irresponsible. Miles wants to use the money to fund his bloated bureaucracy, including inflated salaries in which he has increased the number of employees earning $150,000 or more annually from roughly 60 to 210, redundant equipment, and adult-sized spin bikes for elementary students.
Miles made this mess. Now he wants to sell the district’s assets to cover up his mismanagement.
Two of these properties—Grimes ES in Sunnyside and Dodson ES in Third Ward—were identified in the failed bond as future Career and Technology Center sites. Now they’re on the chopping block.
Even other school districts, also suffering from Governor Abbott's refusal to increase public school funding since the pandemic, are looking at investing part of the proceeds from property sales in innovative projects that will benefit students and the community long term.
Historically, HISD used proceeds from property sales for facility updates, like HVAC and renovations. With so many schools in need of repairs, why change the policy now? It is like selling off the family jewels to pay the light bill.
Please make plans to speak on Tuesday at the HISD board meeting. Sing or listen to the caroling for change at 4:30 pm in the HISD Lobby and the oard mtg is at 5 pm. Registration will open on Saturday by 5 pm at https://houstonisd.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Click here for instructions to register to speak.
RSVP here for a Sunday Zoom meeting at 7pm for help registering to speak.
On Wednesday, “with posters, chants and song, Pershing parents and students called for an end to what they described as fear-based policies and recent teacher turnover.” Houston Public Media interviewed Pershing Middle School student Jack Evans, who described a shift from engaging teaching styles to "boring slideshows" and "error-filled packets" due to increased oversight by HISD's state-appointed leadership. Coverage in Spanish is here.
Also on Sunday, Dec 8th, please join State Senator Molly Cook for a Public Education Legislative Workshop from 2 - 4PM at MATCH, 3400 Main St. Learn about the legislative process, what happened with public education last session, what’s coming up this session, and how you can get involved! |
Entry is free. RSVP at https://tr.ee/TX-EjcBOoJ. |
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