Our individual and collective actions are impactful. Can you support students, parents, teachers, and schools by getting more involved?

You can join a working group to make sure the State Board of Education does not use SB3 to censor classroom instruction; boycott the STAAR, read more about why we need to remove high stakes from testing; watch the Thursday budget workshop or attend the in-person CVPE meeting this Saturday.

Read Jan Resseger explain why we must renew our efforts to end high stakes "test and punish" annual testing as the driving force in our public schools. Standardized testing should only be used only as an infrequent, low-stakes progress check. 

We need to remove the high stakes from STAAR and its harm to students, teachers, and schools.

It starts with you. If you have a school-age child in grades 3-8, it is useful for you to know that STAAR is no longer used for promotion at grades 3-8 and that TEA has stated that your child can opt out without being absent the entire testing window. High school opt out is more complex.  Read more at houstoncvpe.org/opt_out and at txedrights.net/opting-out-step-by-step/

Details from the Ethnic Studies Network of Texas: "TX is revising its Social Studies standards (TEKS) in 2022. This is prompting a review of all Social Studies courses, including the African American Studies and Mexican American Studies course electives. State Board of Education (SBOE) working group members can take SB3 and other recent harmful legislation into consideration when making their recommendations. 

TX students need your support to make sure social studies and Ethnic Studies courses are not watered down or censored. To apply to be on the working group, you don't have to be a teacher or "expert" to participate, but make sure to highlight your credentials and expertise. Let your SBOE Rep know you are interested in serving so they can recommend you to the TEA. Let ESNTX know you are registered here so they can stay in touch with you. The deadline is coming up soon.

  • HISD Budget Workshop is tomorrow at noon. You can watch it here at HoustonISD.org/livetv.
  • Come to the CVPE Spring Meet-Up this Saturday, March 26th, from 2:30-4:00 pm for our first in-person meeting in two years. Location: Trinity Gardens Church of Christ, 7725 Sandra St 77016

Guest speakers include former trustee Anne Sung on the HISD budget & teacher Mary Hendricks leading a discussion on the mental health and academic well-being of our students. We will vote on endorsements in local SBOE races. RSVP here at houstoncvpe.org/march26

In order to vote on the State Board of Education (SBOE) endorsements, you must be current with your 2021-2022 dues and be a member in good standing. If you voted in the August 2021 endorsement meeting, you are current with your dues. If you have questions, email [email protected]. Pay your membership dues below or make a donation below.



Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System