February 11, 2015 at 10:30am
1 hr
On Feb. 11, 2015, Superintendent Grier will talk about the state of HISD as he perceives it in the HISD state of the schools address at the Hilton Americas. But does he speak for you? Come be a part of the Alternative State of the Schools to learn the real state of our schools and what you can do about it. What does #greatallover mean to you?
- Join the conversation-what is and is not working in public education today.
- Raffle-win a retired librarian for your school for a day.
- Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Take a STAAR test and see if you pass.
- Learn about boycotting (opt out) STAAR.
- Find out if schools are more segregated today than 50 years ago.
- Come learn about an alternative to school closures-community schools.
Public education is a promise that we make to our future-let's make a great future!
Bring signs. Bring your kids. Sign them out after ADA.
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