Teachers received a teacher screener email right before spring break. Brad Wray, an HISD teacher, summarized the various versions-
- Version 1: You are good enough to stay at NES but don’t rest on your laurels or you’ll be out.
This is no way to run the largest school district in the state. Was Miles brought to Houston to dismantle our public school system? F Mike Miles and Governor Abbott deserve an “F” rating. |
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Houston Public Media in a story last week showed details of the exchanges between the district and the Texas Education Agency. Education consultant and former Houston ISD principal Steve Amstutz reviewed the messages. Here is an excerpt from the follow up March 29th article, Behind the scenes of Houston ISD teacher evaluation rollout: TEA called classroom observation approach ‘odd "I was pleasantly surprised by how responsive TEA was and how hard they seem to be working to compensate for the district’s ineptitude," Amstutz said. “The new systems for evaluating educators and campus leaders carry massive ramifications. For teachers in the New Education System reform program, their results determine whether or not they can return to their campuses. The same is true for all Houston ISD campus leaders, inside and outside the New Education System, and all principal salaries will be based on their performance results starting next school year.” The widespread confusion and lack of clarity among Houston ISD teachers and principals echo the TEA's warning to provide clear training or risk "calibration issues." Read the entire article here. |
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