CVPE members Vincent Sanders and Jim Faber spoke with KUHF about the excessive practice tests to prepare students for the STARR.

CVPE members Vincent Sanders and Jim Faber spoke with KUHF about the excessive practice tests to prepare students for the STARR. Vincent spoke about benchmarks given at his daughter's school and how they are keeping children from learning. He said, "We want our children to do their best and we want them to be prepared. But we also want our children to learn. School is not a Kaplan or a Princeton review. It’s a place where they can learn.” Jim said that last year his class class was taking a practice test almost every week to prepare for STARR. He said he felt pressured because “they have so much weight in how we’re ranked and whether we’re deemed good at our jobs or effective in the classroom level, at the principal-ship level, at the school level, that our hand feels forced.” Here's the link to the entire interview:

Ruth Kravetz


teacher, parent, progressive, committed to public education equity and adequacy