In an effort to strengthen the voices of those most affected by the culture of standardized testing--students, parents, and teachers--we invite you to respond to our survey on high-stakes testing and to share them with everyone you know.

It's testing season in Houston, a time when the high stakes of our children's futures are compressed into day-long exercises in quiet bubble filling. This year the new STAAR (the most expansive incarnation yet of TEAMS, TAAS, and TAKS) further expands the testing and test prep calendar. In an effort to strengthen the voices of those most affected by the culture of standardized testing--students, parents, and teachers--we invite you to respond to our survey on high-stakes testing and to share them with everyone you know. Be heard! Let's end the testing madness in our schools! Survey for Students: Survey for Parents: Survey for Teachers:

Alpa Sridharan


Restless! Relentless!