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Sign up to be a Poll Greeter during early voting [LINK HERE]: Hand out "Vote No on HISD bond" cards and help convince voters. Shifts are 2 hours at early voting sites. It is easy and fun! Democracy!

If your chosen location is full, we’ll call you about a nearby one or different time. Push cards will be ready for pick up this weekend at some of the yard sign locations. We'll email you. 

It will take all hands to save our schools. We’re also blockwalking Sunday from 4-6 at 3703 Aberdeen Way to get out the vote.

We believe in public education, but this takeover is hurting our kids. This bond is poorly designed—kids deserve better. Our communities need accountable leadership. Not this bond, not this time.

The Chronicle Editorial Board agrees. They said, "We can’t get behind a massive bond that’s been rushed through without sufficient transparency and without real assurances that the community has been, and will be, heard. For the time being at least, the yard signs have it right: no trust, no bond. We hope to support a better plan soon." Read the entire editorial here.

Organizations and elected opposed to the bond are below.

This takeover is worsening inequalities, and fighting it is a moral mission!

Early Voting 2 Hr Shift Sign Up!
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