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Community Voices for Public Education (CVPE) is out here doing the WORK advocating for our children, teachers, and schools! For current members, it is time to pay your annual dues. Because of you, we've had some wins!

Please become a donor, or better yet, a monthly RECURRING donor! Even $10/month helps us do the essential and massive undertaking to fight for our children against the harmful TEA takeover of HISD. Public education is the cornerstone of a thriving democracy.

We are a grassroots not-for-profit organization leading the fight against the hostile takeover of Houston ISD. We are building coalitions across Houston (parents, educators, students, and community members) and helping educate, advocate, and empower Houstonians to fight back.

Because of you, we’ve had some wins!

  • Wraparound services were restored to our schools. Miles had planned to cut school-based wraparound services and replace them with a couple of "sunshine centers.” It is because of your advocacy that 250-270 essential wraparound services school-based positions were taken off the chopping block.
  • Miles now promises that he will not sell off our school buildings to charters. Because of CVPE’s advocacy, Miles is now stating publicly that he will not charter HISD schools.

Let’s keep up the pressure and continue to hold him and his board accountable.

Will you tell your electeds to show up at Miles’ “community” meetings? Will you come? The next one is on Tue at 6 pm at HISD, 4400 W 18th.

  • Miles says dual language instruction will only be in English
  • Libraries at NES schools and elsewhere will be turned into zoom discipline removal rooms
  • Teacher apprentices without degrees getting paid more than kindergarten teachers
  • Chaos everywhere in NES schools and expanding all over HISD

We need your help to continue! Keeping up with the evolving situation, and educating our large community requires a lot of time and energy. Luckily, we have some of the best volunteers, but some things do still require funding.

Your donation TODAY will help CVPE pay for the July 29th community strategic planning meeting (teach-in), translation equipment for our meetings, small stipends for parent and student fellows to do the work in the communities where we live, door-to-door community outreach and more. 

We want and need to continue to fight, so please consider becoming a monthly recurring donor and Community Voices for Public Education member. 



Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System